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University of Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Prof. Dr. Sarjon Defit is Rector of Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK
Padang. His educational background is Doctor (Dr.), Major in
Computer Science in Malaysia.

Muhammad Ridwan is vice rector of corporation, invocation, and
public relations affairs. His educational background is Master of
Management at University of Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang. He is the
one who in charge in UPI Center.
He is secretary of federation private university in West Sumatera
Indonesia, and active in several organisations, social and academics
organisations. He is also General Manager of UPI Convention Center,
and lecture, researcher in faculty of economic.

in charge for WP 6-Dissemination

Suparmi, M.Pd
in charge for WP 6-Dissemination
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