Prakaikan Schneitz is Deputy Director for Program (DDP) at SEAMEO
SEAMOLEC. Her educational background is Master of Public
Administration (MPA), Major in Organizational Behavior, University
of Missouri, Kansas City, USA. She has working experiences for 18
years in creating and promoting collaborations between organizations in
international level.
As DDP at SEAMOLEC, she coordinates and takes responsibility for
implementation activities and quality control related to training,
research, IT Content & knowledge management, prepares the Center's
activities plan based on center’s vision and mission, and fostering
communications with alumni, experts, government / private institutions
and foreign institutions for the benefit of development and sustainability
of Center programs.

Cahya Kusuma Ratih is currently Manager of Research and
Development Division at SEAMOLEC. She is in charge on the
management of SEAMOLEC Research Grants and also SEAMOLEC
Southeast Asia Journal on Open and Distance Education. She has more
than 10 year’s experiences on research, trainings and consultation on
ICT utilization into teaching and learning. She is a team leader for
SEAMOLEC on INDOPED Project funded by EU and also working
closely with Goethe-Institute for Southeast Asia, Australia, and New
Zealand to conduct collaborative workshops for Southeast Asia
students on the development of mobile application for German
language learning in A1 level. She is also conducting research on the
interactive teaching system between SEAMEO and Tsukuba
University, Japan.
She holds Master of Engineering in Digital Media and Game
Technology and also dual degrees for her bachelor degree from
Berϋfskademie Stuttgart, Germany and Electronic Engineering
Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya, Indonesia.

Aline Almandha is one of senior staffs at SEAMOLEC. Her educational
background is Master of International Relations Communication at The
London School of Public Relations, Jakarta. Her position recently is a
Marketing and Publication Manager at SEAMEO SEAMOLEC. She is
the one who in charge in coordinating Centre’s marketing, promoting
Centre’s programmes and producing marketing and publication material
in form of printed, video, and digital.
Since 2006, she has been well-experienced as commitee/member in
various international projects such as becoming project member of
INDOPED Project (a project Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme
of the European Union), University and School Partnership Program
between Indonesia and Germany, Southeast Asia Technical and
Vocational Education and Training (SEA TVET) Project and etc.

Currently working for SEAMOLEC as Manager of Community Partnership Division, join WP-6 team of SEASAC project since 2019. He have some experiences in sales activities in his previous job as Sales Supervisor and Manager from 2006-2007 and 2011-2015. He also involved in some sales dan business competition as judge such as Virtual Company Indonesia Business Plan Competition (Jakarta, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020), Turku Sales Competition (Finland, 2020), and BINUS Sales Competition (Jakarta, 2020).

Technical assistance for WP 6- Dissemination
Coming from educational background of IT, he is also
involved in some programs such as national and international projects
and trainings as facilitator and commitee.

Technical assistance for WP 6- Dissemination
Coming from educational background of Economy, she is also
involved in some programs such as national and international projects
and trainings as commitee.